What is Business Coaching?

What is Business Coaching? This is a relatively new job, unlike Training, consulting or training. The biggest difference here is that the Coach does not require the coach to have immediate answers, but needs to build a roadmap to achieve the goals of the business and the team. Partnering with a Business Coach to foster creative thinking, discover the true purpose and potential of your Business – that’s the main appeal that clients look for in business coaching.
What is coaching? What is business coaching?
Coaching (or coaching) is a new trend in Vietnam. Coaching is seen as a way to help others practice, develop, learn new skills, face personal challenges, manage life changes, set goals and achieve them. successful.
Coaching is about recognizing the best in someone and encouraging them to make decisions to improve their own lives. Working with a Life Coach, or even better, a Business Coach is always effective in all situations, regardless of personal or professional life goals. , sales or in business and business.
Coaching – Coaching helps the coached achieve the ability to see the best of themselves, define a clear PURPOSE and encourage them to make decisions to improve their “PRESENT”.
What is the importance of business coaching?
Nowadays, the business of coaching ENTERPRISE has become more attractive than it is described and more developed than it is known.
Coaches encourage clients to see their own problems rather than instructing them on what to do. One of the basic principles of coaching is not to judge or criticize what has happened in the past but to focus on developing potential, towards the future.
Coaches are hired for a variety of reasons such as: to help increase profits for the business, to make the business grow faster and more prosperous, to give the business owner more time, to move up the career ladder faster, to find job satisfaction, to improve relationships with family and partners, to learn skills, to achieve spiritual values. spirit in life, or simply stemming from the desire to solve problems.
The essence of coaching is professional where making a difference and helping others is always at the center.
What are the types of business coaching?
Interestingly, most of the training sessions are conducted through face-to-face and online such as Zoom, Facetime, Zalo…
There are many coaches who have never met their clients in person. Online coaching is found to be as effective as face-to-face, as many clients prefer to be at home or in their comfort zone and talk to the coach, when they feel safe. complete and easy to share.
This makes coaching very convenient for both the Coach and the client, providing more flexibility for those with busy lives. Besides, online training also brings other advantages, such as:
- Not separated by geographical location. Coaching can take place between the coach and the client no matter where they are in the world.
- Don’t waste time and money on commuting.
- With little preparation time, a phone training session can take place immediately upon notification.
- Coaches do not need to go to the office, meeting room, staff or other costs.
Especially with the current Covid-19 situation: Remote working will be the trend in the near future
What is the difference between the coaching profession – psychology – therapy – counseling?
Coaching is a relatively new job, unlike psychology, counseling, or therapy. The biggest difference here is that coaching doesn’t require the trainer to answer. The job of a coach is not to solve old problems, navigate, or try to gather information from the past (as therapists often do).
Coaches, while working with clients, will help them find the answers on their own. Coaching focuses on the future, on the client’s needs, wants, goals and objectives.
Coaches themselves are a model of optimism and positivity, so when working with clients they inspire and motivate clients to pursue their personal desires.
In this way, coaching becomes a special way to develop people. Many coaches agree that helping clients reach their full potential through coaching brings great satisfaction.
Coaching is not the same as advising, so it is not the same as counseling. Coaching and counseling are two very different fields, with different methods and goals.
There’s a huge difference between coaching and counseling: coaching is client-focused, whereas counseling tends to be based on the beliefs, values, and opinions of the advisor.
In this respect, a coach is certainly not a mentor. The role of the coach, and the coaching concept, is to help others find their own solutions instead of following the recommendations or suggestions of an advisor.
In addition, a consultant is an expert in his or her field, while a coach needs to be just a coaching expert, not an expert in any other area.
This is not to say that coaches don’t benefit from having expertise in a particular area, in fact, access to coaching from six specific or niche specialties is becoming increasingly common among coaches. newly trained trainers.
In general, coaches can use their previous professional skills and experience in their coaching work. It is an advantage to choose a specific market segment in which they stand out and have more advantages over other coaches.
What is the co-creation relationship between clients and coach?
Regardless of the reasons a client decides to work with a business coach, regardless of the type of training used, and regardless of the client’s results from the training, there are One common feature that characterizes the coaching relationship is the two-way interaction and co-creation between the client and the coach.
Working with a coach to promote creative thinking is the main appeal that clients look for in coaching. It benefits both the client and the coach.
Coach’s personal growth is also a big aspect of learning to coach and before helping others, many coaches have found themselves growing up step by step.
An excellent Business Coach is always on the lookout for new things about himself and continues this journey of learning.
In fact, becoming a Business Coach is synonymous with a lifelong quest for self-improvement. For many people, this mission is the initial motivation to become a coach.
Helping clients find and get what they want is a proven method, and this is what makes professional coaching more and more popular.
Coaching is a two-way interaction and co-creation between the client and the coach.
What are the essential skills of a good Business Coach?
Listening Skills
In coaching, listening is more important than talking.
By listening, people are helped to overcome their own fears in a completely objective manner with complete care and support.
Relying on intuition and through listening, coaches ask questions that allow clients to discover for themselves what is going on with them.
Communication skills What is Business Coaching
Training is a two-way process.
If listening is a very important skill, so is the ability to interpret and give feedback to remove barriers, prejudices, subjectivity and negativity. The ability to communicate creates trust and full understanding on both sides.
Coaches who can communicate well in terms of emotion, meaning, as well as content can make a big difference.
Fact-focused, non-personal, non-judgmental, or influenced communication are essential, especially in the face of one’s worries, hopes, and dreams. somebody.
A Great Coach uses communication to help clients find their own answers, not to give them one.
Building a relationship
The ability to build relationships with others is extremely important to a coach.
Often, this ability stems from a desire to help others, which most coaches have.
Relationship building seems to be easier in coaching than in other services because a coach’s sole focus is on his or her clients. In this way, the process of building relationships develops very naturally and quickly.
Motivate and Inspire
Coaches motivate and inspire people.
The ability to do this is hidden within us. It stems from a desire to help and support others. People who feel ready to help others are naturally motivated and inspired.
At the same time, when a person receives a coach’s personal attention and investment for their own happiness and growth, this is motivating and inspiring in itself.
Curiosity, flexibility and courage
Coaching is a job without a fixed pattern.
Differences in people’s needs and individual circumstances make it impossible for the coaching relationship to follow a specific formula.
A Coach should always remember that every person is different and has different needs. Everyone is different, but they are all human – so a coach needs to use a human’s feelings and emotions to solve problems.
What is Summary of Business Coaching
In the coaching profession, the client’s emotions are a factor that needs to be captured from the very beginning of the coaching process. Therefore, the flexibility to approach differences in people, along with their curiosity and interest in understanding the basics of their lives, is also a necessary element in coaching.
A coach’s curiosity allows a client’s journey of self-discovery to be so comprehensive and profound that even clients and coaches are often amazed at the maturity beyond their own expectations. their bodies.
All of this takes courage. In general, coaches must have a strong belief in themselves, a firm determination to do the best for their clients, and a belief that each person is inherently capable of achieving their goals.
What are the fundamentals of corporate coaching?
A typical coach will use and follow these principles:
- Listening is more important than speaking.
- Understand what motivates them.
- Everyone has the potential to achieve more.
- A person’s past does not reflect their future.
- People’s belief in the impossible is the limit of their ability.
- A coach should always provide adequate support.
- The coach did not give an answer.
- Coaches don’t judge others.
- All information during training must be kept strictly confidential.
- There are some client needs that cannot be met through coaching, so the coach needs to let the client know that.
What / who is Business Coach
Helps you train your emotional intelligence to run your business.
– According to the article “Prospects of coaching career”